Today marks exactly three months from the day I decided that enough was enough; writing and promoting this blog was too much and the blogging scene was starting to become something I didn't really want to be involved in.
Over the last three months a lot has changed; I've moved house, I've changed jobs and I've changed my perspective on many things. One thing that has remained constant is the feeling of missing blogging. Blogging was my creative outlet; my personal piece of the internet where I could rant and rave, or share products and experiences I'd enjoyed, without caution.
Over time, I feel that my blog sort of lost its way as I drifted from one topic to another, never really sure where I stood in the world of blogging, or what truly captured my imagination and that I loved to write about. My blog was diluted with ideas of what I thought I should be blogging about; make-up reviews when, really, I don't know anything about make-up (apart from that I can't leave the house without it), or posting a weekly update purely for the sake of keeping my posts regular.
I got caught up in the world of statistics; do I have any new subscribers today? Oh no, this post got no comments - how embarassing! Oooh, a new follower on Twitter. All the things that don't matter, that simply distracted me from the quality of my content, and took away any simple pleasure I had previously found in writing and sharing my musings.
Three months was long enough for me to reassess blogging as part of my life. My time away from the blogging world convinced me that I do want to blog, I love it and I want to continue with it - I just need to turn my blog in a different direction; make it more me. Bare with me whilst, over the coming months, OnlyBecci truly becomes Only Becci - no gimmicks, no falseness and no pressure.