Saturday, 8 June 2013

34. Challenges // 21 before 21

I'm absolutely terrified about turning 21. I'm actually counting down the days (129 for anyone whose interested...) and constantly asking myself, 'where have the last 21 years gone?!' 'what have I achieved?' 

You see, to me 21 is a big birthday. It signals the point when you should be growing up, being independent and, of course, having the time of your life! Sometimes I worry that my life is just passing me by, especially with my anxiety that stops me doing a lot of things that I'd like to do, but I don't want it to be like that.

Your 20's are supposed to be some of the funnest times of your life; before you get all the stresses of a mortgage and bills and just general day to day boring-ness (is that a word?) and I want to make the most of that. Although I - along with a lot of other people around my age - do already have to worry about making ends meet and, occasionally, whether I've even got enough money to eat, I do still have so many opportunities for fun and excitement and I promise to take advantage of that!

However, before I turn 21 in October, there are a few things I'd like to achieve; some fun (yay), some boring and some that I just 'need' to get over and done with. I hope you enjoy reading through my 21 before 21 list; let me know what you'd add to yours, or whether you've done anything I'm hoping to do :)

Health & Beauty
Lose another 20lbs (or reach a weight at which I'm genuinely happy)
Stop biting my nails
Quit smoking
Get my hair in good condition (no more split-ends or hairs falling out all the time!)

Reach 100 followers on Bloglovin (I'm currently on 6) & 10,000 page views
Attend a Bloggers meet-up or event
Get a proper blog layout

Friends & Family
Arrange my 21st birthday celebrations with friends
Have an amazing time in Amsterdam with S
Look for flats/houses with S and save for our deposit

Read and review one new book each week (0/19)
Watch and review one new film each week (0/19)
Cook or bake something new each week (0/19)

Save £600 towards Amsterdam & flat deposit (currently saved £85)
Do not go overdrawn or miss any card payments or bills

Material Matters
Buy a good camera
Treat myself to a Kindle Fire HD
Buy or create one item each week for our new home (0/19)

The Boring Stuff
Pass my theory & practical driving test
Find a job that meets my needs, e.g. hours, income, challenging
Pass first module (The Arts: Past and Present) with a minimum overall score of 70%

I plan to update you all once a month to let you (and me!) know how I'm progressing.

Lots of love, Becci xo


  1. Hi there Becci,

    I've seen your blog in a few places lately, mostly on Twitter, and people think very highly of you so I wanted to pop over and see what all the fuss is about. I must say you have a lovely blog with lots of different things going on. It's nice to see someone have a lifestyle and food blog all rolled into one (I'm afraid I'm sorely lacking in that department).

    Your 21 before 21 list really stood out for me. I think everything on the list is very practical. Nothing outlandish like "find a unicorn and make best friends with it" which is good :)
    If you need a hand with your blog layout then let me know, ok? I'd love to help you out if you want. I'm not an html wizard or anything but I did my own blog design and it's not the worst out there :P

    Also, I think the quit smoking challenge is amazing. Especially considering how much cigarettes and tobacco cost nowadays! It'll definitely help with the saving etc :)

    Samantha x

    1. Hi Samantha,
      Thank-you for all the lovely comments! I managed to get a blog design done for me which I love but thank-you very much for the offer!

      I'm posting an update about my list on Monday so keep your eyes peeled, and I'm going to have a browse through your blog right now!

      x x x

    2. Oh it's my pleasure Becci :)
      Lovely to see you on my follower's list on twitter. I can't wait for the new list and the new blog design!
