I find 'getting to know me' posts really interesting, as an inherently nosey person, so when I stumbled across Cat's brilliant
The A-Z of Me post earlier in the week, I couldn't wait to give it a go myself!
A - ASOS Curve. This website is literally my saviour, although my bank would probably disagree. I always get compliments on items of clothing that I've bought from ASOS Curve, and spend hours on their website each week.
B - Breaking Bad. I can't even talk about it, I'm still in bits about the ending. I got so ridiculously and embarassingly attached to the show and all the characters, I'm seriously still having withdrawal symptoms, but it is - without a shadow of a doubt - in my opinion, the best TV show EVER. End of.
C - Chocolate. I love chocolate, especially dark chocolate or anything that combines chocolate and orange, mmm.
D - Disaronno. Disaronno and lemonade is my drink of choice, after my sister Fi introduced it to me! It's so good.
E - Edinburgh. Edinburgh is probably my favourite city in the UK; I've visited with family, with friends and with Shane, and I've loved it every time. The people are lovely, the architecture is beautiful and there is so much to do!
F - Feminism. I'd describe myself as a feminist, in as far as I support the movement for equal rights, and I disagree hugely with misogyny, chauvinism, sexism and all the rest of it, to the extent that I bore my friends and family (and in particular, Shane) to death with my rants.
G - Gaming. Although I'm not a big gamer myself, my boyfriend is and therefore I've turned into some weird Xbox-sponge that just soaks up all this background noise and info about his games. Seriously, I know a lot more about Assassins Creed and FIFA than anybody needs to.
H - History. I've got a real interest in history and studied it throughout school. My favourite topics are Native Americans, Classics and local history as I live in a really interesting, historic part of the country, near to Hadrian's Wall and home to the infamous Border Reivers.
I - Independence. I pride myself on being independent, it's something that I've had to develop as an anxiety sufferer. I enjoy my own company, I'm happy to be by myself and I can do most things myself, which I'm proud of.
J - Journalism. It's always been my dream to be a writer; whether that's an author of novels, a historical writer or a journalist for a newspaper or magazine. I think it'd be really interesting and I'd love to put my creative talents to good use.
K - Kate Winslet. I know, I know, this is a bit of a sad one, but she's my favourite actress and I think she's just beautiful. I loved her in Titanic, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and thought she was hilarious in Episodes too. I love how diverse she is.
L - Lingerie. As a "voluptuous" "curvy" "large chested" big-boobed" lady, I struggle with lingerie - bras, if we're being particular. I love reading blogs that cover lingerie reviews for ladies with "ample bosoms" as it's so helpful, I particularly love
Georgia's blog.
M - Money. I have a serious love/hate relationship with money. I live payday to payday each month as I'm a total spendaholic, but I am trying to tone it down, I promise...
N - November. November is my favourite month for several reasons; it's the month S and I got together (way back in 2009!), it's Bonfire Night which is one of my favourite nights of the year, and it's a beautiful month too as it begins to turn crisp and chilly, and I love the dark nights.
O - Oranges. I love the smell of oranges and the taste of them too. They are so refreshingly summery!
P - Photography. I've had an interest in photography for a long time, in particular landscape photography and I'm always snapping away at little things like my lunch, pretty flowers or my latest purchases, which I share on Instagram and Twitter.
Q - Quiet. Much like Cat, I love peace and quiet. I'm no good with loud noises, unless I'm listening to some awesome music (or having a shouty argument, oops..). I can't sleep unless I'm in total silence either, which can be difficult sometimes!
R - Reading. A good book can keep me occupied for days, I just love to read. I tend to stick mainly to chick-lit but I occasionally delve into the odd classic, or even action sometimes. My favourite authors are Cecilia Ahern and Mitch Alborn.
S - Shane. I've been with Shane for 5 years in November, I can't quite believe it myself! He's my rock. We argue a hell of a lot but, you know what, how can you appreciate the good without being subject to the bad sometimes? He keeps me sane, he supports me, he makes me laugh, he understands me and, most importantly, he loves me (and I love him).
T - Twitter. I'm a total Twitter addict. I'm constantly checking my news feed and I find it to be a brilliant tool for networking my blog and meeting lots of other lovely bloggers and readers. You can find my Twitter by clicking on the icon to the right of this post.
U - Umming and Ahhing. I'm an awful decision maker. And by that I don't mean that the choices I make are always awful, but just the length of bloody time that it takes me to come to a decision! I drive myself crazy with it.
V - Vinnie Jones. One of my (numerous) cringe-worthy celebrity crushes. This list also includes Ade Edmondson, Seth Rogen and the posh guy on Gogglebox!
X - Xbox. I'm pretty much an an Xbox widow whenever there is a new game out, plus it's the only thing I could think of for X apart from X-Ray or Xylaphone!
Y - YOU! Thank you for reading this post and for all my lovely readers who comment on my posts and chat with me on Twitter, it means so much to me and I'm eternally grateful.
Z - Zodiac signs. I'm not sold on the idea of horoscopes but I still do find them fun to read once in a while, it's guilty pleasure! I'm a Libra and I do think that many of the characteristics are very suited to me, however a lot of them are pretty general so, like I say, I'm not totally sold on it.
I hope you enjoyed reading this little personal, getting to know me post!