Wednesday, 17 July 2013

49. Lifestyle // What have I been up to?

Hello lovelies.

I'm really missing blogging at the moment. Since I start working full-time and staying at my boyfriend's more often, I've lagged a bit with updating my blog, as I've either not had the energy or not had my laptop with me, which is a shame. 

Blogging gives me a real buzz. I feel like I've achieved something when I blog and I feel like I'm connecting with my readers because, at the end of the day, you're not going to read a blog if the blogger never updates, are you?! So, I'm really sorry that I've been so naff lately. I'm hoping that once I've settled into a routine my blogging will pick up a bit and I'll be able to do more. So bare with.

I thought I'd do a nice little easy-reading post about what I've been up to lately, as I love reading these kind of posts on other girls' blogs. So, here goes! 

Last week, I worked my second week at my new job which is an office-based advertising job. I'm enjoying it so much as it's much more challenging than I'd expected, yet it's not stressful and I don't have to 'take my work home with me,' which is lovely. Everybody that I work with have made me feel so welcome and I'm looking forwards to getting more responsibility and building up a rapport with clients. I'm also *super* excited for payday. *cough* shopping spree *cough*

I've also been spending a ridiculous amount of time (when I'm not stuck in the office!) in the sunshine but struggling to develop even the slightest tan. So far, I've gained about 20 freckles but no colour, hmmph. I'm contemplating starting to usual some gradual tanner so I'd love it if a beauty blogger could suggest a good one for me... Hint, hint.

These last few weeks have seen a huge improvement in my 'social life,' which, for the last couple of months, has been pretty naff as I've not been feeling myself and I've kind of kept myself to myself really. But now that the sunshine is out and friends are back from university, and given the confidence I've gained from my new job, things are really picking up. I've spent a couple of evenings chatting over a pint (or two, or three...) of cider with my lovely best friend, and I caught up with one of oldest friends (who moves to Maryland for 12 months in August - *sob*) on Saturday; we spent the whole afternoon sat in her beautiful garden, drinking white wine and catching up. It was perfect. Saturday night was another great night in with Shane and his family; we watched films, ate kebabs and drank Kopparberg. 

On Sunday, I spent some time with my Mum at the local carnival which was also brilliant, especially given the fact that the sun was still shining. I got some pretty good snaps of the day, which are below, and we had a nice wander around the carnival field too which - for once - wasn't muddy!

In terms of health, I still suck. You may have noticed the words 'kebab' 'cider' and 'wine' above, which kind of suggest how crappy I've been. But, in my defense, I've not been as bad as usual. And that is saying something. During the daytime I've been pretty good, but I've allowed myself a few treats in the evening, which isn't really that bad. Everything in moderation and all that? Except cider. Cider seems to have become a staple of my diet in the last couple of weeks... Oops. I'll blame it on the sunshine!

My studying has also been pretty lax lately. Uh-oh. I managed to (somehow, don't ask!) get 87% on my last assignment which was all about the art of Benin, but I'm not 'working' (but not actually doing any work...) on my next assignment which is about the history of medical knowledge in Europe and the Middle East. It's something I find interesting so I'm hjooping that, at the last minute when I eventually decide to get started, it won't be too much of a struggle.

I have also - FINALLY - got round to getting my passport photo taken so that I can renew my passport in time for Amsterdam! If you didn't already know (which you will if you follow me on Twitter, as I just can't seem to shut up about it...) I'm heading over to Holland for 3 days in October to celebrate my 21st birthday, with Shane. Who knows what it'll involve?! One thing I know for sure: it will be amazing. Oh, and there will definitely be a blog post on it. Obvs. 

Finally, despite the couple of minor issues I've mentioned above, I'm feeling really positive at the moment. Work is good, I've got my family and friends close by, Shane and I are doing really well and looking towards the future in a very positive light, and - generally - I haven't got that much to complain about (apart from the minor day-to-day irritations!). I feel like I'm finally establishing myself as the sort of person I want to be, surrounded by the right people, and I know where I'm headed and what I want out of life so, yeah, happy days?!

Apologies that this post is crazily long! Let me know what you've all been up to!

Lots of love,
Becci xo


  1. Local carnival sounds like fun day out :) My place seems so boring, nothing is happening here lately apart from crimes :<

    1. Aw that's such a shame but I bet you can find something lovely to do! Just keep looking :-) xxx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Aw I really enjoyed reading this! I'm so nosy so I love posts like these :) As for a gradual tan suggestions, I did a tanning post a few days a go if you fancy taking a look :) it's the second post down xx

    1. Aw thank-you! Ooh I will go and have a look right now!! Xxx
