Thursday, 8 August 2013

58. Lifestyle // Spending Ban

I've seen so many fellow beauty and lifestyle bloggers taking part in spending bans recently and it's inspired me to do my own! Since getting this job, I've been totally flashing my cash and spending silly amounts of money on silly things. I mean, I've spent over £50 on beauty goodies in the last 9 days! Add to that, another £80 on clothes... It's not looking good. What with my bills, board, food, travel expenses, etc, my pay cheque is slowly but surely disappearing.

Having said that, I have paid off some very important expenses; I ordered a new passport and I paid for my flights to Amsterdam. Those were two big lumps of money that went out of my bank just as quickly as they went in. Other than clothes, make-up, holiday expenses, I've also spent a lot on little bits and pieces such as cigarettes, magazines and munchies. 

When I look at my bank balance I'm actually quite shocked. Although this happens to me every single month, this was the first month in a few years where I'd received a decent lump sum into my account, and I didn't expect it to deteriorate so quickly.

That is why I'm imposing a spending ban on myself.

From tomorrow until the beginning of October, I am not allowed to spend any money on anything other than 'the basics'.

What am I allowed to spend money on?
~ Bills
~ Travel
~ Cigarettes (within reason)
~ Socialising
~ Gym
~ Basic toiletries, e.g. deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, razors
~ Make-up/clothes when I've ran out, e.g. foundation, tights
~ Ingredients for baking/cooking

What am I not allowed to spend money on?
~ Clothes
~ Make-up / beauty products
~ Magazines
~ Unnecessary snacks / takeaways
~ Books and DVDs

Basically: if I don't need something, I won't buy it.

I know this is going to be a massive challenge especially for someone like me - an impulse buyer. But I don't need any more make-up (I have plenty), there is no point in buying new clothes (hopefully all my current clothes won't fit in a few months time, so why buy more?!), cutting out unnecessary snacks will aid my weight-loss and not buying magazines means that I can tackle the huge pile of unread books that I have in my bedroom.

And, best of all, it means that - come October - I'll have saved some money to put aside for another holiday, some new post-weight loss clothes (fingers crossed!) or our flat deposit. Or all three?! It's a win, win situation.

I'll keep you all updated with my progress! If anybody else is doing/fancies joining me on my spending ban, please do! 

Lots of Love,
Becci xo


  1. Oooh good luck! Personally, I would class books as a necessity- I HAVE to have something to read. I'm keeping a spending diary at the moment and it's really scary- I can't believe how much I spend on "the odd thing" at Waitrose!! xx

    1. I've got a whole shelf of books I've been meaning to read, so I'm hoping they will get me through the next couple of months! God, it is frightening isn't it?! I spend stupid amounts just on little bits and bobs! xxxx
