Monday, 26 August 2013

66. Lifestyle // Get Fit in 12 Weeks

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I want to lose weight

I feel like I'm trapped in an endless cycle of losing weight, plateauing  gaining weight, and so on. I'm always looking for new (sensible and realistic) ways to lose weight, tone up and - generally - get fit, without all the silly diet shakes and crash diets, and now - thanks to the lovely Ruby Duchess - I feel like I've found the key!

Ruby tweeted about her 'Get Fit in 12 Weeks' plan and I thought, hey! That sounds good! So I'm going to give it a go too. You can find out a bit more of an in depth explanation of the plan here, on Ruby's blog, but I'm going to jot down the basics for my reference on here too.

Week One is like an introduction to healthy living. It is that you do the following:

1. Swim, cycle or walk for at least 20 minutes every other day
2. Do toning exercises; this week it's squats - 3x20 reps, 3-5 times a week
3. Record your resting heart-rate every morning 
4. Keep track of the amount of exercise you have done each day and your energy levels after
5. Record your weight (I will do this every Monday morning)
6. Drink a minimum of 2L of still water per day
7. Eat little and often
8. Avoid processed foods and stick to natural produce

Then next week it steps up a gear!

I feel that this plan is very realistic; it's not too intense and it doesn't say 'NO!' to anything. Although the plan recommends that you avoid processed foods and opt for natural produce, such as nuts, fruit, etc, it doesn't ban you from having the odd biscuit or cuppa. 

The exercise plan is also perfect for me as I'm no gym bunny. I'm quite unfit physically; I do get out of breath when I run up the stairs and my legs ache after a long walk, or when I cycle. So, this way, I can gradually get used to doing a little bit more, week by week.

I'll also be keeping track of my calories (although it is not one of the rules) as it helps me so much; knowing what I've 'got left over' for the rest of the day. I'll aim for 1,600 calories each day which I think is sensible, and won't leave me starving. 

I'm also going to allow myself to have a few treats. It wouldn't be a weekend without some wine, or a take-away, or a tasty pudding and I don't want to treat this as a diet - it's a lifestyle change. 

I will try to update once a week to let you all know how I'm getting on, and to help myself monitor my progress. Last week I hd already been bitten by the healthy-eating bug, and I managed to lose 1.2lbs already, which I'm so happy about.

Fingers crossed I can keep it up :) If you'd like to join in, let me or Ruby know!

Lots of Love,
Becci xo 


  1. Great first post :) I'll link to this when I do my own! That's exactly how I feel about the plan too. I'm SO unfit but this is a gentle way of starting so I have high hopes!

    1. Thanks Hun, I'm looking forwards to seeing it 😊 xxx

  2. This sounds brilliant. I am Slimming World'er but am finding it just isn't working for me at the moment. I'm definitely going to look at the fitness side (I'm no gym bunny either) of the plan!

    Good luck - can't wait to read about how you get on!

    S x

    1. Thanks Hun! Have you ever thought of doing a series to document your weight loss journey? I love reading them! Its a shame Slimming World isn't working, but I'm sure you'll find something :) xxx

  3. Good luck, I find the website my fitness pal a great help in keeping track of calorie intact and calories burnt in work outs.
