Monday, 5 August 2013

56. Lifestyle // 21 before 21 Update #2

I can't believe it's been a whole month since I last did one of these posts! It's been a total whirlwind with work, catching up with friends and studying. July literally just zoomed past! 

In the midst of all this (lovely) chaos, I've totally forgotten to even look at my 21 before 21 list, so now it's time to see whether I managed to achieve anything in July... 

Health & Beauty
Lose another 20lbs (or reach a weight at which I'm genuinely happy) - pfft...
Stop biting my nails 
Give up smoking
Get my hair in good condition - much better than it was, but still a way to go! If you can think of any brilliant products or treatments, do let me know!

Reach 50 followers on Bloglovin (almost there!!) & 10,000 page views
Attend a Bloggers meet-up or event. Nothing yet *sob* but hoping to get to one over the summer!
Get a proper blog layout

Friends & Family
Arrange my 21st birthday celebrations with friends
Have an amazing time in Amsterdam with S (everything is booked and sorted, roll on October 12th!)
Have enough money saved for a deposit (put on hold until after Amsterdam for now)

Read and review one new book each week (4/19)
The Boy in The River (9/10), Songs of the Humpback Whale (6/10), Oh Dear Silvia (7/10), The Pianist (8/10)
Watch and review one new film each week (7/19)
Blood Diamond (6/10), Wreck it Ralph (8/10), World War Z (7/10), This is 40 (7/10), Snatch (9/10), Angel's Share (8/10), Attack of the Block (6/10) - I can't remember the rest... this one is really hard to keep track of as I watch so many films!
Cook or bake something new each week (3/19)
Chai & Banana Cake, Oreo Cheesecake, Homemade Nachos

Save £600 towards Amsterdam & flat deposit - Amsterdam savings = DONE! Flat savings = on hold.
Do not go overdrawn or miss any card payments or bills - so far, so good!

Material Matters
Buy a good camera
Treat myself to a Kindle Fire HD
Buy or create one item each week for our new home (1/19)

The Boring Stuff
Pass theory and practical driving test (I have to wait for my new glasses before I can have any lessons *sob*)
Find a job that meets my needs, e.g. hours, income, challenging - YES! FINALLY!
Pass first module (The Arts: Past and Present) with a minimum overall score of 70% (currently on 75%, boom!)

As you can see, this month hasn't been particularly productive in terms of crossing items of my to-do list, but it's been a good month nonetheless for so many other reasons and I'm feeling so motivated to make August an absolute belter.

Lots of love,
Becci xo


  1. I'm a new Bloglovin' follower, I love your blog and your recipes especially!

    I take Biotin for my hair which seems to have helped it grow and it seems a bit healthier :).

    Gillian xx

  2. Aww, thank-you!! I'll have a look for some Biotin xxxx
