Thursday, 2 May 2013

5. Lifestyle // Woah, long time no speak!

I didn't realise it was so long since I'd posted... I've been meaning and wanting to, but have just never managed to get round to it. Sorry (to anybody who actually reads this!), I promise I will update more frequently from now on!

So, what's been happening with me since I last wrote? Hmm, well...

1. I changed my degree to History. I didn't really enjoy studying Dr Faustus and found that I was preferring topics that touched upon history a lot more; I also had a proper think about which once I'd actually find interesting and, as history is an interest of mine outside of studying (although literature is as I love books... but not studying them!) I basically just though that history was a better choice for me! So far I've got 68% and 75% on my assignments which, I'm reliably informed, is good for a degree!

2. I have fallen off the healthy eating band wagon - big time. I lost 25lbs in just over 2 months, and then gained 7 of them back again in the last 2 months! However, I am motivated and determined to reach my goal weight (18lbs down, 52lbs to go!) and intend to write out a proper healthy eating plan, start preparing my own meals and get back into keeping track of exactly what I'm eating (I'm thinking fat, sugar, salt, etc. as well as the dreaded 'calories')

3. I lost my job, and gained another! The cafe that I work(ed) at unfortunately closed, out of the blue, a couple of weeks ago as it wasn't profitable enough, and it was a real shock to my system as I loved working there, knew everybody so well and wasn't expecting it at all. However, I started applying for jobs immediately and landed myself a catering job at a local bakery. The hours are really awkward (6am-12/1pm) but, I've found, it's actually fitting in with my studying really well.

4. My anxiety has been pretty bad lately. I don't know if I've ever touched upon this before (but I do intend to do a proper post about it one day, as I think more awareness needs to be raised regarding it, as people do tend to just kind of ignore it...) but the last few months it's gone downhill. Simple things such as meeting a friend for a coffee, or just going to the shops and even, on some days, getting out of bed, have been huge tasks but I'm trying to sort of 'get myself out there' (cringe) if you know what I mean. The best way to get over a fear is to confront it, so that's what I'm going to do; no more excuses.

5. I haven't baked anything in months! Seriously. I know. Seriously. My passion for baking seems to have dwindled recently which I'm really gutted about as I found it so theraputic and loved trying out new recipes! But my working hours, studying and general day-to-day life haven't allowed me to fit in any baking recently, or cooking, for that matter! I'm home all weekend so I'm hoping to pop something in the oven (oo-er).

Anyway, that's about it for me tonight! It's 8.30pm and I need to start winding down (getting up at 5am is never easy, not even after a full 8-hours sleep...) and getting ready for bed so, for now, I'll love you and leave you but I have lots of ideas for future posts so, for the time being, in the immortal words of Tilly (off of Miranda, DUH?) bare with.

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